Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Coming to a Close..

As previously stated in my "About Me" column, I am a UAB Golden Girl. We are a group of very talented and motivated dancers. We have become very close friends over the past year, and now our season is coming to a close. This video is our Aerosmith Pom Routine that we took to UDA (Universal Dance Association) nationals competition in Orlando, Florida. This is our "Friends and Family" night where we performed our competition routine in the Rec Center the night before we left for nationals. We received tenth place in the nation and are considered a nationally ranked dance team. We worked very hard to compete and over the year, became something close to a family.

Our last home basketball game was this past Saturday, March 5th. We played East Carolina University and beat them by a little over 20 points. UAB is now the Conference USA champions and will most likely go to the NCAA Tournament. UAB has not been number one in our conference since 1978, so this was a huge and exciting accomplishment. As usual, the Golden Girls performed at half time. It was a bittersweet feeling knowing that it was the last time I will dance with some team members. It has been such a great year and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to get to know these wonderfully talented ladies.

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