Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Fever!

Hello all!

At this point in the school year I have been overcome with Spring Fever. That is, the longing for school to be over and the beach to be closer! This past week was spring break and most everyone went to the beach and came back with a glowing tan. I was jealous to say the least. I've gone to the beach the past eight spring breaks but not this one. This year I watched plenty of my brother's and boyfriend's baseball games, at which I acquired some wonderful shorts, t-shirt, and sunglasses tan lines.

But my spring break wasn't as negative as I am leading on. I got some much needed rest and finished some nagging homework. I also ran some errands and cleaned out my closet. This may not have been the most fun spring break ever, but it was the most accomplishing.

As for school being out, I can't wait! The end is drawing so near I can smell the final papers and exams, which are a minor stepping stone to the summer. I've had a great school year that has exceeded my expectations, but I can't help but look forward to summer.

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